Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we cordially invite you to participate in the 10th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology for Next Generation, MSNG2023. This year, the conference will be held with the contributions of Erciyes University.
The MSNG2023 conference is dedicated to the latest advances in nanosciences and nanostructures, covering various aspects of nanostructured materials, nanodevices, nanomedicine, chemistry, physics, mechanics, computer simulation, dental materials, biomedical applications, and advanced characterization techniques of nanostructured materials from all over the world.
The program will feature plenary and parallel oral sessions with invited presentations by internationally recognized experts, as well as contributed oral and poster presentations.
Accepted abstracts will be assigned to oral or poster presentations, based on recommendations from the International Programme Committee.
We look forward to welcoming you to this unforgettable conference on September 27-29, 2023.
Conference Address: Erciyes University, Sabanci Cultural Center, Köşk, No:, Faculty Cluster Houses No:33, 38030 Melikgazi/KAYSERİ.
Prof. Kurtuluş KARAMUSTAFA
Rector of Kayseri University
Please send your fulltext to the corresponding e-mail ([email protected]) until 27-29 September 2023
Fulltext Submission Deadline: -
Fulltext should be prepared using fulltext template
Abstract should be prepared using abstract template
Some papers will be published in Journal of Materials and Electronic Devices JMED Indexed in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Journal of Materials and Electronic Devices JMED is an International Peer-Reviewed, Journal Published 4 Times Per Year
Fulltext papers should be prepared using fulltext paper template of JMED
Click here for fulltext paper template of JMED
A Participant can submit a maximum of three submission (Oral Or Poster) to the conference